The good things about chemo brain are…

Have I written this before? I might have. Knowing me, I probably have.

Who cares? I certainly don’t! My blog, my writings, I don’t make people read, I write cos I feel like it.

This is last year’s sunflower cos it’s COLD and there’s SNOW and it’s ICY and WINTER out. I needed some proper colour!

Anyways… it’s World Cancer Day, so I figured I’d do a blog on a positive post-cancer thing.


Some of you have experienced a close-ish relative: Corona brain.

Chemo brain is mostly shit but as this is meant to be a positive blog post, here’s the fun stuff!

  1. You’ll be the best at keeping secrets!
    Mostly because you’ll forget everything anyone says to you within seconds.
    This means that if I’ve forgotten something you told me, it’s not because I find it uninteresting; at the same time, if I actually REMEMBER something I’ve told you – take it as a compliment. It means that my attempts at remembering shit have worked.
  2. You can read all the spoilers you want from your favourite TV show!
    You’ll forget everything, it all disappears into the same vacuum, and you can be quite certain that even if you read that your favourite character dies a horrific death, you can watch it ten minutes later and be SHOCKED by it!!!
  3. Ummm… I’ve forgotten…

In memory of the people we’ve lost so far this year, here’s Ym:stammen.