Stuff you should read (and support)


  • Team Rynkeby is “a Nordic charity cycling team. Every summer we cycle to Paris to raise money for children with cancer and their families.” Ann-Kristin will be bicycling from Oslo to Paris this summer, and I hope you can afford to fund her with the equivalent of a hamburger, a soft drink or a snack.
  • One of my all-time favourite women ever is Lene Wikander (who had breast cancer a couple of years ago). She writes the most amazing stuff in Tarapi and I think she changed the way a lot of people think about breast cancer. I hope to follow in her footsteps and maybe also make a difference!
  • Last ned mobilspillet FightHPV og delta i forskningsprosjekt om screening mot livmorhalskreft! Kreftregisteret har utviklet mobilspillet FightHPV for å øke bevissthet og kunnskap om HPV-smitte og screening. Hver dag får en norsk kvinne livmorhalskreft – ikke vær den kvinnen! <3
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