Don’t be a rat, be a guinea pig!

Clinical trials are important. All medication undergoes rigorous testing before it can be tested on humans. And all meds have to be tested on humans before being released on the open market. Testing is used to find out the meds’ efficacy  and side effects, and to compare these with existing meds. And if you’re very lucky – you might even get paid!

As you all know, I’ve been fortunate to be eligible for the PETREMAC-trial here in Norway. For me, it’s been a win-win situation: I’m on extremely efficient meds, I’m being examined from head to toe, and I’m not suffering from the worst side effects.

There are clinical trials in most countries regarding a plethora of diagnoses, illnesses, conditions and diseases, both physical and mental. If you have some sort of diagnosis and want to know if there is a clinical trial that you might be a part of, there’s a good chance there’s a web site where you can browse and search and read more!

In the four months I’ve had this blog, I’ve had readers from the following countries. It’s alphabetical and if I can find a directory over clinical trials in your area, I’ll list it here!

Disclaimer: I haven’t checked the sites, I’m not affiliated to any of the sites, I doubt if the list is complete, and you might not find anything for your diagnosis. But it might be a good place to start if you are interested! And you should always consult your GP/doc/specialist first. There might be risks involved. Norway has very strict guidelines when it comes to human test subjects – other countries might not.

There are also international directories where you can search for trials in your country: Centerwatch

Australia Australian Clinical Trials – ANZCTR Clinical Trials

Denmark Clinical Trials Office Denmark

Finland Welcome Clinical Trials Finland – Clinical research – Finland Health

France ANSM

Germany German Clinical Trials Register – German Clinical Trials Register

Greece Clinical Trials | SFEE – EUREC – Information – Greece

Iceland Clinical Trials | Licences | Icelandic Medicines Agency

Ireland Clinical Trials in Ireland

Luxembourg Clinical and Epidemiological Investigations Center (CIEC) (they even have an International Clinical Trials’ Day)

Maldives N/A (clinical trials are not allowed in Maldives)

Netherlands Trial Register


Poland Clinical Trials in Central and Eastern Europe – Clinical Trials in Poland

Saudi Arabia Saudi Clinical Trial Registry

Slovakia Clinical Trials and research in Slovakia

Slovenia Clinical Trials – Clinical Trials and research in Slovenia

South Korea South Korea: A Top Clinical Trial Destination – CRIS

Spain Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios – AEMPS – EUREC – Information – Spain

Sweden Clinical trials in Sweden – Link Medical Research

Switzerland Clinical trials – Swissmedic

Trinidad & Tobago Find Paid Clinical Trials in Trinidad and Tobago – NIHERST | Home

Ukraine GCT – Clinical trials

United Kingdom Covance – Clinical Trials Gateway

United States Clinical trials