I’ve been off on holiday. I went to England to visit my sisters to relax, recharge my batteries and simply forget about reality as much as possible. We started off with the Northern Green Gathering which was amazing – just a lot of really nice people, kind, loving, generous and amazing.

This is how happy spending time with sis and good friends at a hippie/activist festival in England makes me <3
After a few days of peace, love, rock’n’roll and alcohol, it was time to move on to greener (and greasier) pastures – Bakewell was next! Home of the Bakewell tart, Austrian sausages and two bridges covered with padlocks.
Culture is also a necessity. We therefore descended upon Kedleston Hall which is breathtaking.
During my stay I had three rounds of fish’n’chips (once with Stilton chips and twice with gravy), meat feast brekkies that kept me full until the next day, a couple of pints of proper cider and a couple of glasses of proper bubbly, more cups of tea than I can count and tons and tons of love.
There will be more!
For now, autumn has been turned upside down (slightly) so I’m having chemo before the operation rather than after. I was given the choice and figured that we might as well see how chemo works after 6 months of great results on Tam/Zol.
I haven’t got the dates yet, but sometime next week I should have my first dose of Taxotere. We’ll be starting off with 4 rounds, fortnight between each, which means I have September and October pretty fully booked. After that – possibly more chemo and/or surgery.

And in case you were wondering – I’m not “that” Siri.
More once I get my photos and memories sorted!
First time for:
- watching GoT episode (2 eps)
- watching Guardians of the Galaxy (vol 2)
- using the magic bit of my credit card (twice)
- insulting little old ladies (2 of them, too)