Photo: Inger-Johanne Berger
A dear friend of mine took this picture, sent it to me, and told me that fungi should live outside in nature, not in my mouth, and I totally agree! But I love this face. Sometimes nature makes the most amazing works of art, we only need to look closely and they will appear! And I would love a forest-themed wig, made with leaves and mushrooms and conks and all sorts of fun things. This one feels like a reflection of myself, in a weird way.
The third and last of my major side effects is a fungal infection in my mouth. I’m used to having an extremely keen sense of smell and taste. Because of the periodontitis I have a massive hygienic regime of cleaning my teeth and mouth. I also need to take precautions in using antibacterial agents, as I need to keep the good bacteria as happy and vivacious as possible!!!
First round of chemo, I had a woolly sensation in my mouth for two days or so. Nothing to worry about really (I was already down with flatigue so non-functioning mouth wasn’t much of a worry).
Second round, woolly and non-functioning taste buds for five days. That’s a bummer cos you don’t really want to eat as everything tastes of either nothing or just weird or off. Your mouth feels as if you got badly burned on a cup of hot cocoa – a bit numb, a bit painful, talking isn’t really an issue cos woolly. You don’t want to eat anything sharp cos your gums and everything is sore. You certainly don’t want to eat anything that attaches itself to anything, cos your tongue is just not functioning at all.
Third round, I asked for Düsseldorf mixture cos it was supposed to help.
It didn’t.
My mouth was pretty much non-functioning for twelve days. I made a large pot of rice porridge on the Saturday and that was mainly what I ate for the next ten days. I like rice porridge and I could taste the sugar and butter, cinnamon I used cos it smelled good when I was pouring it on (my smell still works) and I could easily imagine the taste of the porridge. Olfactory memories are great things, cos it means that if you can get some of the taste, you can pretend that it all tastes as it should. I used so much cinnamon that it covered the bowl (and was reminded of my friend, who claimed the cinnamon diet was amazing) mostly to check if my taste buds were working again.
Düsseldorf mixture didn’t have any effect so after consulting with my dental hygienist, I stopped using it (as it’s an anti-microbial agent and probably maiming and killing off my nice bacteria).
Fourth round I got Mycostatin oral drops which is an oral suspension that provides local treatment of fungal infections. We were at war. I like eating food I can taste. My taste buds may like weird stuff, but eating food devoid of flavour is just off. After having checked with doc, pharmacist and specialist dentist (who prescribes it all the time) I was all set: standard deep teeth cleanse morning and evening, light brushing and mycostatin whenever necessary. Which for the first three days was on an hourly basis. And as it’s only effective as long as you are actually keeping it in your mouth, you get used to keeping your mouth shut for 15-25 minutes at a time.
The first two nights I would actually wake up every hour or so and administer it. I love insomnia.
The third evening my fiance had hamburgers for dinner. They smelled soooooooooo delicious and I got that devilish hunger for meat. Any kind of meat would do. I fried some hot dogs with tomato paste (cos, you know, taste and all that) and herbs and garlic and they tasted – nothing. I could feel the texture but was really glad they were cheapo hot dogs cos booooooring. No taste at all.
But after five days of intensive treatment, it feels as if I am regaining some control of my mouth. I could taste the cinnamon this morning. I think I could taste the cranberries in my rye bread (although that may have been the old olfactory memory, cos the cranberries are nice and gooey). I have another three portions of porridge left, so hopefully I’ll taste the cinnamon tomorrow morning.