If you get the line, I’ll be slightly impressed. It’s been rolling around in my brain for a couple of weeks and I just had to write it down. I must say I prefer PSB over EW any day, although I’d forgotten just how sickeningly sugary-sweet Patsy’s vocals are.
But the sweats that are hounding me have no semblance to that tune, more another (slight) complaint.
I have a skin disorder called prurigo nodularis. As with most of my diagnoses, no-one knows where it came from, it’s hard to treat and will never go away. I’ve had it all my life and only recently was I sent to a specialist who actually looked at my lesions, gave me a proper diagnosis and treatment suggestions. These include showering no more than twice a week, drinking loads of water and using great amounts of ACO Miniderm lotion which I buy in Sweden, cos 500g costs less there than 100g in Norway.
But the combination of night sweats and not showering if I’m off to meet someone – that’s not happening. Being drenched with sweat every single night means that if I have appointments five days one week, I need to shower five days that week – and it only took two weeks of three showers to send my prurigo into a hissy fit.
So, we’re back to massive amounts of moisturizer and the bed covers are now drenched in sweat and lotion. And cat hair. Yummy.