I’ve been living on the strictest no-carb diet for three months now. Luckily for me, I do live my spinach and broccoli and lettuce and cucumber, and I’ve even enjoyed my restricted diet. Loads of eggs, bacon and cheese will help brighten any diet and the lack of hot flashes has been most enjoyable. And yes, they did return as soon as I ate anything with more than a whisper of carbs.
But now that I’m on chemo and we’re killing of cells left, right and centre, I had to change my diet. Away with anti oxidants and healthy foods, now it’s all about feeding the healthy cells – and the easiest, best food for them is fast carbs. Sugar!!! Loads and loads of sugary goodness!!!
So thanks to my nutritionist friend, my docs and the Personal Binder every chemo patient gets, the last two weeks I have been gluttony personified.

Healthy eating is important. Healthy means “what your body needs”. The day after my first chemo, I needed a double latte and a gigantic muffin with huge dollops of blueberry jam, yummy banana and some healthy seeds on top.
Seriously. Gluttony is important.

Friday: two gigantic mugs of hot cocoa (made with proper chocolate) and a massive beef sandwich. Oh yes, I could feel my healthy cells loving this new diet!

Monday: these Polish caramel sticks were perfect. Beskidzkie Łakocie paluszki carmel.