One thing I’ve learnt is that a good oncologist won’t tell you anything that isn’t fact-based, but if you say to them “I’ve heard/read/experienced that XX results in YY” they will listen, and give advice based on your experience.
I’ve recently joined a couple of Norwegian breast cancer groups on facebook. They’re really good places to ask for advice, cos you get a gazillion different opinions but at least some of them make sense so you can cherry pick the ones you prefer. Yes, I’ll freely admit it, even a super-sceptic as myself might – on this one occasion – admit to being guilty of it!!!
As you may recall, I didn’t even leaf through the pamphlet about this study before signing it. I didn’t read about potential side effects until I started blogging. I didn’t really need to know, and besides, I believe that the mind can give you additional side effects – so not really interested in reading. But I’ve been curious about the whole operation setup. I know that there are a gazillion variants of breast cancer treatment, but it seemed that every person I spoke to had a different op story to tell. I was rather confused, and Doc wasn’t really giving me any straight answers either (not that she can, until they have that last MRI) so I sent out a question in one of the groups, and I got some really great answers!
For single-tumour, non-spread cancer, it seemed that the magic number was 27, not 42. With a BMI of 27 or less, surgeons have a bigger range of possibilities in regards to surgery, and can do a reconstruction *using your tummy fat*. 28 and over and no reconstruction for a few years, until they are certain that there is no spread and it’s safe to go in again. And although I have asked the doc about surgery several times, she has never mentioned this.
Now, what with my hormone troubles and shitty body, my BMI is up at 33. Reducing it to 27 means a weight loss of 20 kg/20% of my body weight in just under 3 months, in a body that refuses to part with a single ounce (apart from last year, when I dropped 10 kg between May and November yet increased one whole size in all clothes. Again.)
Sooooo…… I am removing carbs from my diet, and replacing them with salad and broccoli. No more freshly baked bread with melting butter, no more potatoes, no pasta or rice or sweet potatoes or biscuits and cheese … and most certainly no chocolates, crisps, cakes, biscuits or other yummy items.
No more subs at Subway (when I go to the hospital, I usually grab one at the train station cos they’re cheap and filling and feel healthier than burgers & hot dogs), no more sushi at Sea Sushi (maybe the best in Oslo?), no more noodles or tempura or any of that yummy stuff.
Just greens, some proteins and a little fat.
I’m trying to convince myself that this will be easy peasy and that I do not want to binge on this cheesecake.
I don’t. Honestly, I don’t. Not at all. Please make and eat for me and send me NOMNOMNOMs…
[the stormtroopers are part of Stéfan Le Dû’s project, Stormtroopers 365, which is pretty awesome!]